New Year, New App

New Year, New App

If you’d like to streamline your online donation process or have an archive of the Sunday services, we’ve got some new tech to help with that. You can download our church app using the link below.

This app features a secure and streamlined giving portal, an audio archive of our latest church services, and a quick contact form. Currently, it’s main purpose is an easier online giving portal, but more functionality will be added shortly.

Download the Church by Ministry One app and then locate the church with our zip code after opening the app for the first time.

Just click on the appropriate app store or click this download link:

Brookstone Church App

10 Ways to Make Sunday Count

10 things to make Sunday count

We know! This online church thing is new and maybe a bit uncomfortable. Trust us – we aren’t used to this either.

You’re invited to come learn with us as we navigate this new way of gathering together. Someone once said, “Be married to the MESSAGE not the METHOD.” We’re trying to live that out in these uncertain times.

Here are a few ways to get the most out of church online tomorrow. We’d sure love to have you tune in and worship with us.

10 things to make Sunday count

December Events

December Events

This time of year always brings plenty of events, fun, and calories! December is chock full of family and social gatherings. We’ve got a few more you can add to your calendar if you like. All the details for these events can be found in our Facebook Church Members Group.

  • December 11th: Church Christmas Party
  • December 22nd: Church Christmas Service (10:30 am) with special dance
  • December 25th: No Wednesday Evening Service
  • December 29th: Regular Sunday Service (10:30 am)
  • January 1st: No Wednesday Evening Service

We look forward to closing out 2019 with you and are expectant about all that is to come in 2020!

Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University

During the summer, we will host a session of Financial Peace University. One night per week, for 9 weeks, the class will meet at the church for a 90-minute session.

This is an excellent course for learning money management principles, debt cancellation, and much more.

If you are interested in attending the course, please register using the form at the link below.

Cost per couple: $109

Register Online

Church Family Thanksgiving Dinner

Church Family Thanksgiving Dinner

Gather with us on Wednesday, November 7th at 7:00 pm for our church Thanksgiving Dinner! We’ve enjoyed this tradition as a church family for nearly 10 years now. It’s a wonderful evening of celebration, gratitude, and fellowship.

The church will supply the turkey, tea, and water. Each family please bring 2 sides and a dessert. (You can RSVP on the list in the foyer so that we reduce the opportunity to have repeated sides)

More details can be found in the church Facebook group as well.

New Series: Deal with the Root

New Series: Deal with the Root

Are you stuck? Keep dealing with the same issues over and over – week after week – month after month – with no end in sight?

You may be dealing with the FRUIT of the issue and not the ROOT. Join us as we examine some common areas that trip us up and learn how to break free as we deal with the root of the issue.

We’ll be covering topics like:

  • Bitter Roots
  • Inner Vows
  • The Strongmen
  • Generational Curses
  • Soul Ties

Sundays at 10:30 am

Missed one? You can catch the replays in our Church Facebook Group.

Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Our next Baptism event will be held Sunday, June 3 at the end of our regularly scheduled service. If you would like to be baptized, please contact Pastor James. He will meet with each baptism candidate to let you know what to expect.